Belya, as an ode to beauty, a cry of joy, who came out of the groove of the founder after receiving his ultimate inspiration, a flash in the head, like Archimedes with his Eureka. Belya because he had to find a name, simple, easy to remember, but also seductive and that alone could be a source of inspiration for everyone. Languages, the Bantu in Zulu, she sought, she found in Creole, a language that shares the blending, heat, exoticism, the enchantment, all these things qu'Aïssatou wanted to convey its brand and operate in . It does not prompt you to love only one page, or just buy her creations, she invites you to take part in especially an adventure to make a beautiful page in the history of a young Brand. In all simplicity, fraternity, because Belya she is, it's you, it's the other ... it's U.S.! Welcome!
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