Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Panic in America: U.S. to study how Nigeria tamed Ebola

Panic in America: U.S. to study how Nigeria tamed Ebola

A statement released by US CDC Director Tom Frieden said "it's clear the nation needs a quick and thorough response to its first Ebola patient"

He said although Nigeria was not completely out of the woods, "their extensive response to a single case of Ebola shows that control is possible with rapid, focused interventions." Apart from Nigeria, the US will also visit Senegal to study its model.

Frieden said "the best practices in Nigeria and Senegal suggest the U.S. should monitor all individuals who may have been exposed to Ebola and establish a dedicated management and response system."

Thomas Eric Duncan, flew from Monrovia, Liberia, the country hit hardest by the epidemic, to Dallas, Texas, where he lies in an isolation unit in critical condition.

Containment went wrong. Missed diagnosis?

He had flown to the United States on September 20 with plans to get married, but started to feel sick days later.

When he first went to the hospital with Ebola like symptoms, he told staff that he had recently been in Liberia. That should have raised a red flag.

They sent him home with antibiotics.

Days later he went back and was quickly isolated. A blood test confirmed his Ebola infection.

Texas public health officials spent the next 24 hours tracking down anyone who may have come into contact with Duncan after his infection broke out.

Another American Ebola patient arrived in the United States on Monday, reminding the nation that the virus killing thousands of people in West Africa, will likely continue crossing U.S. borders. This has raised severe panic sessions in America.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering enhanced screenings at major U.S. airports, a CDC official said. But it does not appear to have concrete plans in place yet.

Americans believed that the US government needs to ban all travel to and from these Ebola hit countries. ''Close the flights between Africa and the USA!'' What about those from connecting flights? Do you ban all flights into US?

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