Sunday, May 10, 2015

Goodluck Jonathan Best and worst Nigeria President

 Goodluck Jonathan Best and worst Nigeria President
The 2015 Awards Season is almost over. So is President Goodluck Jonathan's administration in Nigeria. In a matter of days, the presidency of Nigeria will change hands to APC President-Elect General Mohammadu Buhari. Discussions and debate around Goodluck Jonathan being the best and worst Nigeria President remains heated up. Most Nigerians believed the outgoing President brought out the best and worst in Nigeria's history. He has the tag of the best and worst Nigeria President. Do you agree that GEJ is Nigeria's best and worst president?

Best and worst Nigeria President

''I thank the Most Reverend Nicholas D Okoh, Archbishop and Primate of All Nigeria, the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and the entire presbytery and laity of the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Life Camp, Abuja, for the Thanksgiving and Farewell Service held in honour of my wife and I earlier today. I am grateful to God for all he has done in my life. May God bless Nigeria.'' GEJ statement as published on his facebook account earlier today.

Ezindu Okay-Lawrence calls Goodluck Jonathan ''My Best President. Yes, I'm still an applicant But GEJ U'll remain my best President. Thank U Sir, for serving Nigerians with Humility, Thank U for being MEEK though some count Ur Meekness as weakness, but I do Pray to be like U in Humility & simplicity. Nigeria someday will look for Ur Kind. I'm Proud to have witnessed ur years as s President of d difficult Nigeria. God bless U Mr. President, God bless U!!!!!!''

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