Thursday, March 20, 2014

Woman Dies after Injecting Vaseline into Breasts

Woman Dies after Injecting Vaseline into Breast

An Argentine woman Llanzon Sonia Perez, 39, died of a pulmonary embolism caused by the injection of Vaseline on her breasts.

"Sonia Pérez Llanzon was hospitalized with breast lesions for a month before she passed away. They were like blows, "reported Dr. Julio Pla Cardenas, head of surgical clinic of Lucio Springs Santa Rosa, a city located 640 km southwest of Buenos Aires.

According to the doctor "First, she denied everything but later confessed that she applied Vaseline, an oily liquid made with oil, very dense," said Cardenas

Vaseline reached the bloodstream and then Sonia has affected his lungs, causing breathing difficulties. The patient then began to breathe with the help of machines.

"Throughout my professional life, I have never seen a case. The body has antibodies to remove bacteria and viruses, but against this type of element no mechanisms, "the expert told La Arena, Santa Rosa.

The woman like most women around the globe was constantly worried about her look.

In Argentina body image is an obsession for both men and women. Surgery to increase breasts and buttocks, and other parts, grew 500% over the last four years, according to data released IV Argentine Congress of Medical Specialties in Aesthetics, held in February.

Argentina is among the 25 countries where most do plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes, according to a study by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

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